The Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint, adopted by Austin City Council in 2017, is a 10-year plan to help align resources and facilitate community partnerships around a single, strategic vision to create 60,000 affordable housing units for those making less than 80% of the median family income and ensure that there is affordable housing throughout the city.
Housing and Planning Department staff, in partnership with HousingWorks Austin, created the Blueprint Scorecards to analyze and track the community’s progress towards reaching the affordable housing goals established in the Blueprint. The Scorecards measure goals outlined in the Strategic Housing Blueprint including ensuring the creation, preservation, and equitable spread of affordable housing units across our City, while aiming to create affordability accessible to a wide range of incomes. The annual scorecard (published 6-12 months after the close of the reporting period) can help Austin track its efforts to sustainably achieve affordability goals, expand housing opportunities, and ensure Austin remains a livable city for all.
The Austin Chamber has partnered with 100 business and social service organizations to develop an Affordability Action Plan. The Plan calls for increasing housing supply by allowing at least 15,000 housing units to be built per year for 10 years, with at least 25% affordable housing for households at 80% Median Family Income (MFI) and below, including 200 Housing First Permanent Supportive Housing units per year; and 25% “missing middle”/workforce housing at 140% MFI.
The Austin Housing Coalition brings together low income housing providers form across the community to network and share information with the goal of increasing our community supply of affordable housing. Most low-income renters earning less than $35,000 who are not cost burdened are living in housing that is provided by these low income housing providers, or in housing that is federally subsidized.